Friday 6 de July de 2018


La Universidad Tecnológica Nacional invita a participar del "Evento Falling Walls" sobre ideas innovadoras a realizarse en la Regional Córdoba, bajo la dinámica de presentaciones con una duración de 3 minutos, compitiendo por la posibilidad de presentar la idea ganadora en Berlín, en la conferencia mundial de Falling Walls. Abierto a todo público.

El ganador tendrá cubierto el pasaje y estadía en Berlín. La fecha límite de postulación para presentadores es el 12 de agosto. El evento se realizará en idioma inglés.

Dato de contacto: escribir a falling-walls [at] rec [dot] utn [dot] edu [dot] ar

Más información acerca del evento en la sede Argentina:

De qué se trata Falling Walls?


The goal of the Falling Walls Lab is to advance scientific and entrepreneurial visions and to initiate and promote exchange between outstanding talents and innovative thinkers across disciplines. Over the last years more than 70 top ranked institutions such as the ETH Zurich, the Yale University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have hosted international Falling Walls Labs. The Falling Walls Lab is organised by the Falling Walls Foundation and supported by the Bayer Foundations and





The Falling Walls Foundation is a non-profit organisation that fosters the discussion on research and innovation and promotes the latest scientific findings among a broad audience from all parts of society. It organises the Falling Walls Conference, a unique international gathering of leaders from science, business, politics and the arts. Each year on 9 November, 20 of the world’s leading scientists present their current breakthrough research in 15 minutes each. The Falling Walls Foundation is supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research, the Helmholtz Association, the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Berlin Senate for Economics, Technology and Research and numerous other acclaimed academic institutions, foundations, and companies.


Further information can be found at



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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la

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